TAFFS - Ticehurst and Flimwell Friends of the School
Hello and welcome to our PTA webpage!
Please allow us to introduce ourselves - we are a PTA which is a voluntary group of parents, teachers and staff who work together to organise and run, fundraising events for the school - we were formed in January 2019.
As well and fundraising for our school, we are equally concerned with activities that develop social links with the school and are fun for all involved.
All parents/carers of children attending Ticehurst and Flimwell C of E Primary School and members of staff are automatically members of the PTA and are welcome to attend the meetings and help whenever able.
The PTA holds a regular meeting on the 1st Monday of each Month (usually during term time), where we share ideas, discuss past events and ensure we are making them as successful as possible; we also discuss the organisation of the next event(s) and project(s).
If you do not wish to attend our meetings but wish to help out at events, please email TAFFSchair@ticehurst.e-sussex.sch.uk and we will add you to our event helping list.
There is a notice board on the path to Ladybirds where you can see future events.
All events will be posted on the school calendar.
If you are a parent/guardian of a child at Ticehurst and Flimwell C of E Primary School and feel you have something to contribute to your PTA, no matter how big or small, please feel free to get in touch in person by email.
Alternatively you could pop a note into the school office and ask for it to be passed onto the PTA.
Of course you can always speak to us in person or why not pop along to one of the meetings.
We’ve registered with Easyfundraising and we need your help! Easyfundraising is a great website where you can help Ticehurst and Flimwell C of E Primary School PTA raise funds simply by doing your everyday online shopping with over 3000 big name retailers like Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, Booking.com, eBay, Boden, and M&S.
Every time you shop, we receive a small donation to say ‘thank you’ and it’s completely free too! We want to help raise as much as possible so please sign up using the below link:
The PTA members are as follows:
Chair: Paris Beaney
Secretary: Rhi Whybra
Treasurer: Emma Law
Contact us
Email: TAFFSchair@ticehurst.e-sussex.sch.uk
Find us at: Website: https://www.ticehurst.e-sussex.sch.uk/esussex/primary/ticehurst
Also on facebook, search TAFFS.