Pupil Premium Spending
What is Pupil Premium?
- Schools are given an amount of money to spend, over and above their allocated budget, known as Pupil Premium.
- This additional money is given to schools to support the needs of pupils who are disadvantaged and at risk of underachievement.
- It is intended to support these pupils in reaching their full potential.
How is Pupil Premium allocated to schools?
- The amount a school receives for Pupil Premium is determined by the number of pupils known to be eligible (currently or within the last 6 years) for free school meals (FSM).
- This is known as Ever 6 FSM.
What are the aims and objectives on spending Pupil Premium funding at Ticehurst and Flimwell C of E Primary School?
- At Ticehurst and Flimwell C of E Primary School, the aim is to reduce the gap in achievement between disadvantaged pupils and others at the school.
- FSM will be a priority indicator for prioritising or targeting pupils for interventions.
- While some actions directly focus on learning, other actions will be planned to support other factors that may impact on pupil achievement, for example, social, emotional, cultural or economic factors.
How do we know we are using the Pupil Premium effectively?
- Further information on how much Pupil Premium funding the school has received in the past and how it was deployed to support pupils can be viewed by clicking on the following links.
More information is available on ther Department for Education website.
Latest Spending
Since the pupil premium funding was introduced we have seen improvements in outcomes for our children. Find are our latest spending plans in our Pupil Premium Strategy below.