Collective Worship

Living our Virtues
Collective Worship is a daily opportunity to come together as a school community and focus on our Christian virtues of: Compassion Curiosity Perseverance Respect Service
We focus on each virtue in turn over a two week rolling cycle throughout the year.
- On Mondays we launch the virtue through a BIble story and theological reference that engages the children. The children are reminded of the Learning Behaviour that links to the Virtue and that will support them in living it each day.
- Tuesdays sees the Class Teacher remind the children of the Learning Behaviour in class based worship so they think about what we will see and hear when we are living the Virtue in school. What does it look and sound like?
- On Wednesdays we are so lucky to learn from the "Open the Book" team who re-enact Bible stories and bring them to life for us through drama. The team is composed of members of the congregation of St Mary's Church of Ticehurst and St Augustine's of Flimwell.
- Thursdays are teacher led and reinforce the virtue via an interactive worship linked to reference in the Bible .
- The week ends with a Celebration worship on Fridays where pupils are recognised for living the virtue during the week and through applying the learning behaviour to their education.
All our worships are inclusive and joyful in bringing us together as a Christian community each day, with a celebration in song and time to reflect and pray.